MySql Query to find information about a DB


Posted by Jagadeesh VP | Posted in

To get the general information about a DataBase/Schema in My Sql.

SELECT * FROM information_schema.`TABLES` T where TABLE_SCHEMA like '[DATABASE_NAME]';

Note : You should have access to the database.



Posted by Jagadeesh VP | Posted in


Biodegradability: A Green option..

You started your day with some brown bread, then went shopping for some veggies - healthy food to keep you feeling well. But consider this: each plastic bag that you used will survive for a million years and keep releasing harmful gases that cause global warming.

And plastic bags are not the only culprits.

Here are a few facts for you to remember:

  • Disposable diapers take between 500 and 600 years to degrade

  • A can of your favourite soft drink takes 200 to 500 years

  • And we cannot even begin to calculate how long a glass bottle or styrofoam glass takes

So do we give up everything then? No. But perhaps it is better to live by the rule that if you do dump something on the earth, let it be something that degrades at least in your lifetime. For instance, a cotton rag takes 5 months to degrade, a banana peel takes about three to four weeks and a paper bag takes about 5 months.

The best option though is to take your own cloth bag; it takes you a minute more, but saves the earth millions of years of hard work. So do your bit to help save the environment.


A Great Indian


Posted by Jagadeesh VP | Posted in



Posted by Jagadeesh VP | Posted in
